Monday, November 29, 2010

Learning to Overcome

There are so many times people remind me that I don't have it all together yet, but it is amazing when God begins to remind me just how far He has brought me!

I was 34 years old when I met and fell in love with Jesus.  Trust me, I carried so much baggage that I would have had to file bankruptcy if God charged for each carry-on!! It has taken these past 19 years of knowing and loving Jesus to get free of some of the most powerful strongholds in my life.... those which were rooted and grounded in some of the most influential moments of my childhood and youth, both real and perceived. It is only the power of the Word and the blood of Jesus Christ that brought victory in overcoming them, but I still battle wrong mindsets and wrong views at times. They rear their ugly heads at the worst times, and it is then I feel I am back at the beginning...learning to walk worthy of the Lord and embracing His desperate love for me even in the midst of my weakness. The more I study and meditate on His Word, the more He reveals His heart and very nature to me, and it is in that place of revelation that the Holy Spirit is able to chip away another bit of the hardness that surrounds my heart in its attempt to hold me captive.

Today, as I seek the Lord's heart for another, I am able to truly appreciate the journey, this pilgrimage I am on. The last time I visited the International House of Prayer (IHOP-KC) a young man prophesied that he saw me with two suitcases; noting that this was a transitional season in my life; that the Lord's desire was for me to lighten the load (drop the suitcases) and choose simplicity, that which is less demanding. I know His yoke is easy and His burden is light, and I wonder if He is slowly weakening my grip on another piece of baggage!

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